Aluminum Joinery

Aluminum Joinery systems are quite diverse according to the profile system types produced by different manufacturers and the requirements of the application site.

Aluminum Joinery systems are quite diverse according to the profile system types produced by different manufacturers and the requirements of the application site.

The most known profile types and names are C-60 and Aldoks series.

Aluminum joinery is classified under two main headings as heat insulated and non-heat insulated. Insulated joinery systems are generally used in workplace and industrial areas without insulation, as well as in housing and places where the level of heat permeability should be low.

Folding joinery and Hebeschiebe systems are prime examples.

The wall thickness and technical specifications of each type of material vary depending on the manufacturer. It is possible to paint with electrostatic painting system in accordance with the desired color option. The main glass types used in folding joinery can be listed as;   

-Laminated Glass

-Tempered Glass

- Insulating Glass

- Opaque glass.